We’re making some configuration changes to address compatibility issues when users navigate to specific public sites while using Internet Explorer 11.

Key Points:

  • Timing: No sooner than the release of Microsoft Edge 87 stable on Thursday, November 19, 2020.
  • Roll-out: Tenant Level
  • Action: To block this configuration change, utilize the steps below prior to Thursday, November 19, 2020.

How this will affect your organization:

This configuration change helps to fix a broken experience when a user visits specific public sites in Internet Explorer 11 (e.g. Chase.com). When visiting a public site known to be incompatible with IE 11, a user will be redirected to Microsoft Edge to view the site. On their first redirect, they will be asked if they would like to import their browsing data and preferences from IE 11; all subsequent redirects will display a closable banner with additional options and information.

This change will only impact devices with the new Microsoft Edge previously installed and will only be activated when a user navigates to an incompatible public site while using Internet Explorer 11. This will not change a device’s default browser.

What you need to do to prepare:

No immediate action is required unless you wish to block this experience for your users. To block this change:

  • You must disable the policies outlined in this documentation prior to Thursday, November 19, 2020.
  • Policies will be available through:
    • ADMX updates after October 26, 2020.
    • Intune updates after November 9, 2020.